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69 items found for "leadership journey"

  • Resonate Leadership

    Have you ever wondered what is Resonate Leadership? If I combine this and some of my reading from Daniel Goleman's Primal Leadership, HBR's "The Resonate I would love to know your definition of Resonate Leadership?

  • How does leadership influence organisational culture?

    Recent research has revealed some shocking statistics on how leadership influences organisational culture They found: Employee loyalty is decreasing Leadership lacks self-awareness Employees lack direction Employees What action can we take to ensure our leaderships’ influence on organisational culture is a positive So where to start if you want to change the organisation culture of your business through leadership? PeopleQ is a certified leadership coach and ICF member, and the founder of PQfactor an employee pulse

  • Unveiling the Power of Trust-Building Leadership. Can Leaders Really Prime for Trust?

    Discover how our Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) programs foster trust-based leadership.

  • Thriving Culture, PQfactor, let's thrive together

    To find out more contact us on 0498 800 008 I #leadershipnow #leadership #highperformanceteams

  • At the heart of it, there are good intentions

    Without good intentions, Leaders go half the journey. Relationships are half built. #leadership #culture #peopleq #pqfactor #conversationalintelligence #emotionalintelligence #highperformanceteams

  • When Trust needs rebuilding

    #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #selfawarenessjourney #empathy #collaboration #trust #leadershipcoach

  • So what is Executive Coaching?

    Are you finding it lonely in your new leadership role? Intelligence, Heartmath & Conversational Intelligence practitioner and spent two decades+ in senior leadership

  • From one stream of knowledge to many. Being Leaders.

    Self-paced learning in 2022, for Mel and Tim is the equivalent of taking a textbook into a quiet room to read and at best occasionally sending the author an email or discussing the current chapter with a friend via SMS. The focus is on consuming knowledge from an expert (the author), as much as you can, and want, when you want. It’s convenient, and in many cases accessible by many. The experience is influenced by your drive and learning preferences. It has a place. Peer based virtual learning evolves the experience from consumption to a deeper conversation that wholeheartedly activates embodiment. If you consider knowledge activation as an iceberg, peer based (virtual or face to face) learning is going well beneath the surface. It’s where we grow best. It’s an invitation to witness and experience, to be and see, to say, sense, feel and hear. It’s designed to activate transformation at higher rates than above the surface consumption. It's generative. It’s compounding. It shifts the focus from one expert and therefore one stream of knowledge, to many and multiple streams of knowledge which becomes a force multiplier. It's what happens when we know, like and trust people, real stuff shows up. Virtual peer-to-peer learning evolves the learning experience. It’s safe, it's insightful, it's a community of practice, its embodiment, its compounding and for all these reasons it's transformative. So come and experience this for yourself, on the 19th December Mel and Tim are hosting a mini version of what to expect throughout the Being Leaders 2023 program. It’s an opportunity to experience ‘the more’ with our Being Leaders community. Co-authored by Melina Lipkiewicz and Tim Collings o 4igroup, the Being Leaders program is open for registration now. To join us for the event on the 19th December, register here Follow our LinkedIn page to join our community and stay updated More about the program here

  • Employee Engagement tools: what not to do! Part 3

    Not prepared to change When embarking on your cultural transformation journey, it’s easy to think of That's our culture tool, PQfactor, powered by Teamgage, our leadership programs, our consulting on talent

  • What's connection got to do with resilience?

    #opportunities #leadership #coaching #leaders #mindset #empathy #culture #leadershipdevelopment

  • Expand your thinking to manage Wellbeing

    Talk to us for more information. #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #selfawarenessjourney

  • Why leaders need more from their learning to sustain change.

    A reflection of the Being Leaders Circle hosted by Tim Collings + Melina Lipkiewicz Recently we hosted a circle for our Being Leaders community, bringing into focus how adults learn today, to create a micro experience of the program. We invited the sharing of learning experience challenges and opportunities, followed by peer discussion to deepen the dialogue on how learning can support leaders to sustain change, and finally coalescing to reflect on what we now think about learning and what this means for how leaders learn. Rather than offering expertise, our approach was to hold space for knowledge to be shared and leaders stretched and challenged collectively, which includes us as hosts. As we applied this experience to the theme, the very essence of it became topical as leaders identified the need to decentre expertise to learn collectively, embark on challenges and create safe spaces to be stretched in, which often resulted in growth you wouldn’t have previously imagined. Over time this brought about sustained behavioural change and increases in performance. From here the conversation flowed to the importance of making learning sticky to sustain change. 80% of people acquire knowledge and do nothing with it, inviting dialogue around the need for practice not just safely but also within the context of our own environments being crucial to the way adults learn today. The role of conversation in a community of practice was necessary for embodiment, deepening understanding and reflective practices. As was the role of storytelling to the way we seek to understand the world, ourselves and each other, so nurturing spaces for this to organically appear was critical to adult learning. A cycle emerged for learning to be sticky - digest smaller amounts of content at a time, that is relative to your situation and environment and place of beginning. We processed the role of leader vulnerability and authenticity in not just your own growth, but also as a witness and in giving feedback to others. When we witness and experience with you, we are also experiencing for ourselves, paving the way for thresholds to be crossed and participant action. The campfire enabled us to form a mutual starting point; the flow deepened our understanding collectively of what leaders needed to learn; relationships are needed to explore and challenge each others safely so that change emerges; and thresholds are crossed when expertise and knowledge is decentralised and not the focus; decentralising knowledge enables multiple streams of knowledge. And all of this is how the Being Leaders program is designed. To allow for deeper collective discussion, emergence, safe practice and sustained behavioural change. To find out more about the Being Leaders program, visit us here and register for the 2023 cohort. Co-authored by Melina LIpkiewicz and Tim Collings

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