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78 items found for "peopleq"
- Coaching, a critical leadership skill to build empowered teams!
It’s in this space that the people you are coaching feel comfortable opening up, being vulnerable, which It’s this deep level of trust that provides people with scaffolding to experiment, get creative, express PeopleQ are executive coaches, skilled in 1-2-1 and team coaching. We love getting to know people over coffee, f2f or virtually, connect with us today to decide if we’re
- Finding your organisation's, and your NORTH STAR
And everything happens through people. And so early on we invested energy into defining this for PeopleQ’s, our purpose being positive enduring
- Are you really accountable for culture without visibility?
use our energy for maximum results and work to minimise risk, isn’t that good for business, good for people At PeopleQ we ultimately believe it's human nature to avoid difficult, unknown, and complex situations needs, avoid visibility because working with culture requires us to think deeply simultaneously about people Contact us to schedule a demo of our culture tool, PQfactor
- Custodians of Culture
If you want to dig deeper, PeopleQ can help.
- Resonate Leadership
prolong sounds, especially by synchronous vibration, - has special meaning or particularly important to people As a coach, PeopleQ are trained in techniques and tools that build trust and emotional intelligence via
- How does leadership influence organisational culture?
Take a pulse check on your people with an employee pulse survey. PeopleQ is a certified leadership coach and ICF member, and the founder of PQfactor an employee pulse
- Harnessing the collective wisdom of teams; collaboration @work
Safety also needs to exist, it’s a condition where people feel that they won't be shut down or ridiculed And in your 1-2-1s, set the stage early and invite people as they share ideas with you to bring it to team time, playing their cheerleader but also giving people the time to prepare for the moment when Sometimes people don’t speak up because they don't know what they don't know. To find out how PeopleQ can help, contact us today for more information on Leading with EQ and a PQfactor
- leading and teaming = C.U.L.T.U.R.E
PeopleQ is a certified leadership coach and ICF member and the founder of PQfactor, a pulse tool focused Talk to us today to understand how we can support you to positively impact CULTURE.
- What's driving the change to lead differently today? Leadership 4.0.
People are looking inwards more than ever before for that trusted guidance. Leaders who see PP2 understand PURPOSE and PEOPLE drive profits for pockets Ernst and Young in their Which is based on the experience of your people. Which is based on the quality of your leadership. This idea that people drive customer experience is not new. PeopleQ works with individuals teams and organisations to cultivate leadership skills needed for the
- To Motivate? Inspire? or Influence? Leaders, which will it be!
This image always sparks my curiosity as no matter how many times I share my story, people seem inspired Hats off to those people because you're juggling many balls at once. Adopt a coaching approach to help people find the answer within. Encourage your people to refine their strengths, invest in their development. For more information reach out to or
- Part 2: Inspiring workplaces cultures to thrive and the role of leaders.
all research, new and old, with the research suggesting leaders are the primary influences of what people The happier and more fulfilled your people are can be linked directly to your leaders. It’s fair to say the quality of your leadership determines the experience of your people, which ultimately Know where you are heading and have targets and ensure everyone plays a role, because people will assume An interesting read;
- Thriving Culture, PQfactor, let's thrive together
happened fast o A Trust Maker o ESP to see & appreciate differing perspectives, thoughts and stories people important to build diverse capability and a toolkit of skills you can reach for based on the situation, people To find out more contact us on 0498 800 008 I #leadershipnow #leadership #highperformanceteams